3 Ways Your OBGYN Will Help You At Your 6 Week Postpartum Check Up

If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, make an appointment. Learn a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect.

3 Ways Your OBGYN Will Help You At Your 6 Week Postpartum Check Up

24 August 2015
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When you go into visit your OBGYN post delivery, you will receive a full check up. They will help you out a great deal, and will let you know how you are healing. This article will discuss 3 ways that your OBGYN will help you when you go in for you 6 week postpartum check up. 

They Will Check To Make Sure You Are Healing Correctly

You will visit your OBGYN 6 weeks after you have had your baby, and at this time they will do a full examination on you. If you had a vaginal delivery, they will check your pelvic area to be sure that everything is healing up nicely. If they find that anything has not healed properly, or if there is unusual soreness or inflammation, they will assess the problem. For example, if for some reason your stitches didn't dissolve properly, your OBGYN will be able to remove them at this time for you. If you had a c-section, they will similarly check your abdomen to see if you are healing correctly and if your incision site is clean and free of infection. 

They Will Offer You Different Forms Of Birth Control 

Generally around 6 weeks post delivery, it is safe to have intercourse again. At this time, you are healed up enough so you won't feel pain and discomfort. Because of this, your OBGYN will talk with you about what form of birth control you would like to use. This choice is entirely yours, and you will be able to talk with your OBGYN about all of your different options. You can simply use condoms if you would like, or you can choose from traditional birth control pills, birth control shots in the upper arm, or an intrauterine device that is inserted into your uterus. 

They Can Answer All Of Your Post-Pregnancy Body Questions

If you have several questions about your post-pregnancy body, now is the time to ask you OBGYN about them. They are there to help you to make a full recovery, and to help you understand some of the changes that your body is going through. You can ask them about your contracting uterus, and why this happens when you are nursing. You can also ask them about how to tighten back up your vaginal area and strengthen those muscles, or whatever questions you may have in mind. They will answer them to the best of their ability, and will help you to better understand your new body. 

For more information, contact a professional like those at The Ob-Gyn Group.

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Back Pain: Easing the Symptoms

Only people who live with constant back pain will understand how my days tend to go. On days when the pain is slight, I can manage pretty well. When it flares up, there is no such thing as a comfortable position. Fortunately, I have found ways to help ease the pain and keep going. A friend recommended that I see a chiropractor. While skeptical, I did find that having an adjustment twice a week does help. I tend to rely less on pain medication than I did before, and there are days when I feel almost normal. If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, I suggest that you make an appointment. Let me tell you a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect. You may find that those visits end up making your days much more pleasant.
