5 Things You Should Do Daily To Protect Your Oral Health

If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, make an appointment. Learn a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect.

5 Things You Should Do Daily To Protect Your Oral Health

23 March 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Sparkling white teeth, fresh breath and a beautiful smile are all viewed as assets. However, taking care of your teeth may not seem easy without proper planning. Here are a few daily measures you should take to protect your oral health:

1. Brush Properly.

Brushing daily helps keep your teeth free of stains and decay. Pigments that are present in the foods that you consume can deeply stain the teeth if not removed in a timely manner. In addition, brushing helps remove oral bacteria that release acid which demineralizes the teeth.

Brushing for the prescribed two-minute period twice a day can help prevent plaque from remaining on the teeth long enough to harden into tartar.

2. Floss gently.

Flossing should be performed at least once a day. Be sure to avoid using a sawing motion, which can slice through sensitive gum tissue. If traditional string floss is too difficult to easily maneuver, consider using a water irrigator to dislodge particles from between the teeth and below the gum line.

3. Use an alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwash.

Use a mouth rinse once a day to help kill oral bacteria. Mouthwash can reach crevices in the mouth that cannot be accessed by a toothbrush or floss. For the greatest benefit, choose a mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine, which is an antibacterial component of many oral rinses. Alcohol also kills germs, but it can dry out your mouth and cause oral sores. If you prefer, you can make your own antibacterial mouthwash by mixing equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide.  

4. Limit snacks to fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible.

Snacking does not have to include carbohydrate-laden junk food that feeds the oral bacteria in the mouth and encourages the release of more acid. Instead, choose fiber-rich fresh fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, apples and celery when possible. The fibrous texture of these foods helps scrub plaque and oral bacteria from the teeth as you chew.

5. Chew sugarless gum.

Chewing gum after eating can help remove particles of food that may be left on the teeth. In addition, the chewing motion helps incite the release of saliva to dilute acid in the mouth and rinse away bacteria and debris. It is best to choose sugarless gum that is sweetened with xylitol due to its antibacterial properties.

To learn more ways to protect your oral health, visit a dentist office like Family Dental Care.

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Back Pain: Easing the Symptoms

Only people who live with constant back pain will understand how my days tend to go. On days when the pain is slight, I can manage pretty well. When it flares up, there is no such thing as a comfortable position. Fortunately, I have found ways to help ease the pain and keep going. A friend recommended that I see a chiropractor. While skeptical, I did find that having an adjustment twice a week does help. I tend to rely less on pain medication than I did before, and there are days when I feel almost normal. If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, I suggest that you make an appointment. Let me tell you a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect. You may find that those visits end up making your days much more pleasant.
