Think You May Have Parkinson's Disease? Signs You Do And Treatment Options

If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, make an appointment. Learn a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect.

Think You May Have Parkinson's Disease? Signs You Do And Treatment Options

20 April 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you think you have Parkinson's disease or if someone in your family has this problem, below are some signs that you may have this. You will also find information on treatment options that are available to you to help you with your symptoms. 

Parkinson's Disease Signs

Parkinson's disease is a disorder that involves movement problems. In the beginning, you may notice a small tremor, such as in a finger or your hand. It may not be noticeable at first to other people. Over time the symptoms will get much worse. You may have tremors or move slowly. Your muscles may become stiff, and you will find it hard to walk and keep your balance. This can get dangerous as you can easily fall at this stage. Over time you will find it difficult to speak and you may have painful cramps in different areas of your body. 

Parkinson's Disease Treatment

There is no cure for Parkinson's disease but there are some things you can do to help your quality of life. You may be given medications or there are surgeries that may improve your symptoms. 

You may want to consider an Early Stage Parkinson's clinical trial as part of your treatment. If so, ask your doctor about trials that may be going on near you. Scientists may develop a treatment for this disease, such as a new drug. Before they can prescribe this to everyone, they must first do trials. They may also develop medical devices that need to be first tested in a clinical trial. 

Going to a clinical trial in the early stages of Parkinson's may slow down the progression of your disease. If you choose to do a clinical trial, you will be given a drug to take. The tester will do this slowly and ask you to come in regularly to be monitored and tested to see if the drug is working well for you. They will also ask you specific questions about how you are feeling, the side effects you may be having, and if your symptoms are getting better.

A clinical trial generally consists of a small group to allow the doctor to determine how it affects more than one person. This will help them determine the correct dosage to use if the drug is accepted by the Food Drug Administration (FDA) in the future. 

Your doctor can give you much more information about early-stage Parkinson's clinical trials.

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Back Pain: Easing the Symptoms

Only people who live with constant back pain will understand how my days tend to go. On days when the pain is slight, I can manage pretty well. When it flares up, there is no such thing as a comfortable position. Fortunately, I have found ways to help ease the pain and keep going. A friend recommended that I see a chiropractor. While skeptical, I did find that having an adjustment twice a week does help. I tend to rely less on pain medication than I did before, and there are days when I feel almost normal. If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, I suggest that you make an appointment. Let me tell you a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect. You may find that those visits end up making your days much more pleasant.
